Thursday, November 17, 2005

I hate prostate cancer

This is Mike.
He's an INTJ, for those into Meyer Briggs stuff.

He's a walking encyclopaedia of certain histories...except sometimes his own.
Napoleonic battles. Both World Wars (Commonwealth perspectives). Now he's learning about the American civil war. He's visited an empty Gettysberg when it was wrapped in a ghostly fog that muted any sound and we had the place to ourselves. He liked drivng around Virginia, visiting various sites such as Harper's Ferry, Mananassas, Williamsburg, Yorktown.

I'd like him to read Russell Banks, but I think it scares him.

I act out his emotions for him (being an INFP myself). I think it scares him.

He is 51.

He has prostate cancer. He was diagnosed at 50, in February 2004. It was a very bad week.

He had surgery for it in July 2004. And a second surgery to stop massive blood loss the next day. He's fought back from all the awful side effects of the treatment. And now it looks like his PSA levels are starting to rise. Which probably means it has come back and he will need radiation. Probably more side effects. But probably early enough to haed it off. Men with prostate cancer usually die of something else, unless it's untreated, and it goes to their bones. Pierre Trudeau died from it.

If you have any healing thoughts or prayers to spare, please send them out to Mike on the (Canadian) Mississippi.

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