Sunday, November 20, 2005


Pierre Trudeau was Prime Minister. Richard Nixon was President of the US -- as I recall, the cover story on National Lampoon that year was "Four More Years of Nixon Jokes!" I was in high school: Brandon Collegiate Institute (BCI - same initials as the Brandon Correctional Institute).

In this picture of the newspaper staff, I am seated in front, far left, looking up at the guy standing in the middle who had just said something. Hans is standing behind me. Next to him is Janice Whitley, one of my friends back then.

Seated on the far right is my younger brother Mark's "fave rave", Cindy. He admired her from afar.

In the summer of 1972, I fell in love with a guy that I detested the first few times I met him. An older man in University! Then I came upon him chopping wood one time, shirtless and wearing cut-offs. He made me feel funny in new places. Gee, I feel funny now just remembering it...

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