Monday, January 23, 2006

ELECTION? Oh, I thought you said...

An old in-joke between Mike and I.

Today, we voted and will await the results tonight.

As a public servant, I don't believe the public service should be politicized. A good, traditional public servant should support and further the people's will. Consequently, I have worked for and voted all kinds of ways in municipal, provincial, and federal elections. A government needs to be changed when it begins to narrow its agenda too much, when it politicizes public institutions, or when there is corruptions and a sense of entitlement to other peoples' money. The federal Conservatives were soundly and rightly turfed out of public office in 1993, and the current government is in need of just such a humbling. Both governments were out of touch with pressing needs 50 km west of Ottawa. The century has turned; the country is no longer just a French/English, Catholic/pagan mix.

And if a new government can shake up this ancient status-quo, we will be better off. On the other hand, if they too need humbling at a later date, it shall be done.

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