Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Getting Ready for Christmas

The tree went up last weekend - Mike's 52nd birthday. I gave him the book A Team of Rivals, and he's been reading it this week, when he has time out from snow-clearing.

I've been wrapping birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, decorating, shopping, and baking. The first set of cookies came out today: bachelor buttons, which are basic cookies with walnuts, coconut, green and red glazed cherries. They are Mike's favourites. Next on the list are chocolate hazelnut tassies and shortbread.

Mike was measured and tattooed on Tuesday at the Cancer Centre for his radiation treatments which will likely start around the end of January and go for 7 and one-half weeks. He now has little X's on his hips and stomach. He was too shy to ask for anchors on his forearms! I wish he didn't have to go through it.

We are now off work until January 3, 2006. This is the first Christmas that I have taken time off in a long time. The last few years were awful anyway, so I can't say that I missed being at home. I am getting over the memories of bad Christmasses finally. This move has been a good thing that way. So much here reminds me of happy childhood Christmas! And I am fortunate in that I can help make others' Christmas happier.

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