Monday, November 13, 2006


In July, Valancy and David told us that we were going to be grandparents!
And now we know that Val is expecting a little boy.

You can check out Valancy's news at:

They are having trouble coming up with a name.

Dave suggested Jebadiah or Ebeneezer. This became Jebeneezer, which we are starting to call him as a nickname. Valancy prefers names that start with a vowel.

Mike has already bought Jebeneezer two stuffed horsies! One from the V&S store in Almonte, and one from the Lippizanzer Stallions show we saw on November 12. I have bought him a cozy zippered sweater from Old Navy -couldn't resist - it was the only one.

Valancy is feeling good and starting to to show a bit of a tummy. So cute!

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