I like to tell people that I really hit the jackpot on grandchildren, given that I only had one child myself! I imagine my own grandmothers were less amazed, with their (seemingly) dozens of grandkids, because they had (seemingly) dozens of kids. Yet Grandma Holdaway always sent us all a $2 bill with each birthday card.
Peter Thomas Stuart Reynolds was born August 4th, right on his due date, after having been expected to be early since June. Here he is, being fawned over by his siblings, who so far have welcomed him. He's a quiet, serious little baby, concentrating on eating. He's been packing on a pound a week so far, and already weighs about twelve and a half pounds, at one month. The little guy was holding his head up right after birth and has already flipped himself over from stomach to back repeatedly. His fingers are long, his feet big, he's destined to be tall. His hair has so far been darker than that of the other kids; we imagine we can see a reddish cast to it. I think his brows look like Colin, Dave's brother, and my friend Paige says that this one looks more Reynolds than the other two, who look more like Maydans (i.e., Mike or me).
We expected that he would be named Thomas, as Tom was the only one of the grandparents yet to be honoured, but the name Peter was a surprise. Apparently it was to his parents, who decided that their predetermined options didn't fit this fellow and that he looked like a Peter. We can't help thinking of him already as "Little Petey". The "Stuart" is for Ruth's maiden name. Being Scottish, it fits with Reynolds.