Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Addams Family?

No, not the Addams Family.

This is a photo of the George Holdaway Junior Family from Port Hope, Ontario. My grandfather, Hedley Vicar, is directly behind my great-grandfather, George Jr., both in the centre of the picture.

George and his wife, Sarah (Mulvey) had 14 children! Sarah died in 1897, about 2 weeks after the youngest, Alfred Arnold, was born. Lula George died at age 30 in 1904; James S in 1881, just after birth, and Olive at about age 9, in 1902.

I figure this must have been taken about 1920 or so, seeing as it looks like the youngest boy would be at least 20, although it's hard to tell. The changes in the men's suits are evident, as are shorter hems and lower shoes for women (although there is a variety of styles - Victorian/Edwardian/more contemporary).

I wonder if it was a funeral or a wedding that brought them all together for this picture? This is George Holdaway, Jr., and his surviving 11 children. I wish I knew for sure who is who.

Dad must have had cousins all over Ontario.