Monday, May 04, 2009

Change Still Welcome

Is Andrew expecting showers? Well, maybe baby showers! Andrew will be a big brother at the end of June/beginning of July. Unlike last time, they could not tell the gender of the new baby, which delights Mike, who is not a big fan of "new-fangled" change usually. We are happy about the new baby. Andrew turned two on March 19, and didn't eat a bite of his beautiful penguin birthday cake as he was down with a touch of the flu. He still managed to have fun.

Andrew, Dave and Val have bought a new house in Blackburn Hamlet, close to the in-laws. It's a nice area, but we had hoped for something more in the west end and closer to us. Still, it is a nice place and I doubt they would have found anything quite so nice elsewhere.

I finally left the nasty micro-managing bully I'd been working for since 2006. Once he started being abusive to me, that was it. I'd witnessed it with so many others and watched them all leave; my turn finally (I lasted longer than anyone else). I am quite enjoying the new work in the policy area which was supposed to be a pre-retirement transition post, but I ended up helping out managing in the short run, covering two units.

My new boss then promptly retired earlier herself. We went to see her in a play - she's an actress by night and very good. She played Mrs. Graves in the New Edinburgh Players production of "Enchanted April".

I will be retiring next April myself and looking forward to being able to spend more time on silly pursuits.

Pool is going to be set up this week! Ahhhhhhhh! Summer!