Monday, July 30, 2007

Siblings Visit!

My sister Patricia (once known as Pat, now called Trish, thanks SNL - not) and brother Mark (known as "Mr. Cheetah" to some) were down for a visit from July 21 to 28. They enjoyed the new pool, stained most of the new fence, and spent a lot of time on the new deck. They also got to see the newest family member, Andrew, who was back from his Saskatchewan tour.

Mark is a year, a month and a day younger than me. Trish (the baby!) just turned 50. Mark lives in Minnedosa, Manitoba, and Trish in Portage la Prairie.

Here they are at the side of the pool. Trish is wearing one of my bathing suits, my wrap, and my straw hat. Just like at home! Except this time I offered. Mark is wearing his new straw hat. Very southern planter.

I sure miss them. The house seemed lonely after they left.